IMCO recently landed another project with Boeing; this time
around it’s a job inside a building. We all know the dangers of using
producing vehicles/equipment inside an enclosed environment. So
decided to obtain 3 "gently" used Cushman electric carts. We took
extra caution not to cause any shorts because of the nearly 60volts
running the
motor. Not too complex in design except the one with the Curtis
motor controller. The controller is programed to make the electric motor
like a combustion engine powered vehicle. A tech can hook up a
programmer and
change the drive-ability parameters of the cart. We didn't have a
programmer so
we had a little trouble with it. With the help of the magical internet
and some
manuals we found there, we had these voltage juiced up battery beasts
around in no time. One concern that I addressed though was that these
were incredibly quiet, too quiet. A man striding through a warehouse
cause way more noise than these Cushmans. There is a backup alarm on
single one, but going forward? This is not new technology for use where
emissions are prohibited but I’m curios to know how many accidents
occurred simply because
you can’t hear these things put-put, or should I say zip along. Some
reference comically to equipping electric vehicles to imitate motor
sounds, but
I see somebody getting rich. Can you hear me now?