Monday, March 4, 2013

L.E.D.s and smiles

A lot of time spent on a Canadian made low boy trailer, eh. A lot of enjoyed time spent well on a trailer, a lot of new wiring and lights throughout the trailer. Converted over to L.E.D. The truck driver is very happy with the new shiny lights and the lighter load on the alternator, but mostly because of the lights. Alex is very happy he gets a change of pace from F series pickups. Having gone on vacation and then coming back and catching a cold, in the cold sucks, thus the lagging of the blog. I will pick up the pace.  

Jeff you mentioned that are exceptions on my previous blog, do tell.... 


  1. Think about where you have seen other bypass filters...

  2. So...did you work any hours this quarter? How can I assign a grade?

    As a reminder...

    Be sure to check my blog before you come in on the 2nd. I will push out an Angel e-mail also.

    See you then!
